Tour Evaluation Form
We hope you enjoyed your adventure! Thank you for choosing us.

Your feedback is very important to us. We appreciate hearing what you enjoyed about your experience, and we also work hard to improve and adjust our tours based on your feedback. Thank you for taking the time fill out this evaluation form.
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About Your Tour
Tour Name *
Tour Start Date
Guide Names
Why did you choose this particular tour? (choose all that apply)
Why did you choose Spirit of the West Adventures over other tour providers? (choose all that apply)
Please rate the following from excellent to poor (for those using mobile, please scroll to the right to see other options)
Kayak gear and safety equipment
Guide competence
Trip content and area covered
Quality and quantity of food
How did the trip measure up to your expectations?
How would you rate our customer service prior to your trip?
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How likely are you to recommend this trip to a friend?
Very likely
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What were some of your trip highlights?
Do you have any suggestions for change or improvement? (for camps, tour logistics, equipment, etc.)
Do you have any comments or suggestions for improvement for your guides and team?
Additional comments, thoughts, and ideas
About You
Please let us know if we may use your comments for marketing purposes.
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I am happy to be contacted about my suggestions and comments.
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I am interested in learning more about the following tours:
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