Box 569 Heriot Bay, British Columbia, Canada V0P 1H0
North America: 1.800.307.3982 | Local & Overseas:

We are here to assist you in any way we can.
North America: 1.800.307.3982
Local & Overseas:
[email protected]

    Guest Handbooks

    Itineraries, info, and packing list for your kayaking trip with us.

    British Columbia TOURs

    This tour package will contain everything you need to prepare and pack for your tour with us. If you still have questions after reading through the material, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Click on the image for your tour to download your Guest Handbook.


    WWG Tour Menu Tile

    Wellness nav tile - woman sitting next to Johnstone Strait

    Ultimate Family Adventure nav image


    Whales and Wilderness Expedition nav image

    Johnstone Strait Expedition (4-day) nav image



    If you have joined a custom tour, your itinerary will be sent to you separately by email.

    International TourS